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Playfair Cipher

What is a Playfair Cipher?

Playfair cipher is a digraph substitution cipher that encrypts pairs of letters instead of single letters. It uses a 5x5 grid filled with a keyword (excluding J), where encryption rules depend on the position of letter pairs in the grid - whether they form a rectangle, are in same row, or same column. This makes it stronger than simple substitution ciphers as it encrypts letter combinations rather than individual letters.

Playfair Cipher

Key Rules for Playfair Cipher:

   1. Create 5x5 grid using keyword (omit J, use I instead)
   2. Split message into pairs
   3. If pairs have same letter, insert 'X' between
   4. If odd letters remain, add 'X' at end

Encryption Rules:

   • Same row: Take letter to right (wrap around)
   • Same column: Take letter below (wrap around)
   • Different row/column: Form rectangle, take letters at horizontal corners in same order

Example with keyword "MONARCHY":

M  O  N  A  R
C   H  Y  B   D
E   F   G   I   K
L   P   Q  S  T
U  V   W  X  Z

Let's encrypt "HELLO":
   1. Split: HE LX LO
   2. Process pairs:
     • HE → CF (rectangle)
     • LX → SU (rectangle))
     • LO → PM (rectangle)

Result: "HELLO" → CF SU PM

Decryption uses same rules but reverse direction (left/up instead of right/down).

Video for explanation